HC Deb 23 December 1937 vol 330 cc2158-60
65. Major Milner

asked the Minister of Pensions the names of those at present constituting the Special Grants Committee and any sub-committee or committees thereof; the number of times they have met during the year 1937; and the average attendance at each meeting?

The Minister of Pensions (Mr. Ramsbotham)

The Special Grants Committee consists of 14 members under the chairmanship of Sir Edward Troup, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. I propose, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission to circulate the full list of members in the OFFICIAL REPORT. The committee and its sub-committees have held 50 meetings during the present year and the average attendance of members was rather more than four.

Major Milner

Do I understand that the average attendance was four out of 14?

Mr. Ramsbotham

That is so.

Major Milner

How are the number of meetings divided as between the main committee and the sub-committees?

Mr. Ramsbotham

We are to debate this matter in a short time, and perhaps the hon. and gallant Member will raise it then.

Following is the list of members:

66. Major Milner

asked the Minister of Pensions particulars covering the three years prior to the last convenient date of the number of cases of alleged unworthy conduct on the part of widows in receipt of pensions reported to the Special Grants Committee; the general nature of such reports; the number of such reports originating in anonymous letters; and the action taken on such reports?

Mr. Ramsbotham

As the answer includes a table of figures, I propose, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Major Milner

Will the hon. Gentleman see that I have a copy before the Debate?

Mr. Ramsbotham

I have already arranged that.

Following are the figures:

The cases reported to the Special Grants Committee in each of the last three years to 30th September numbered:

1935 363
1936 354
1937 284

The reports in general contain information which makes it necessary to investigate the pensioners conduct as affecting her title to pension, but the records of the Special Grants Committee do not enable me to distinguish the cases originating in anonymous letters.

Following on their investigations the committee declared the award forfeited in the following numbers of cases:

1935 222
1936 193
1937 153

They also decided to administer the pension in trust in the following numbers:

1935 23
1936 14
1937 17