HC Deb 20 December 1937 vol 330 cc1724-5

10.18 p.m.

Mr. Keeling

I beg to move, in page 26, line 10, after "worked," to insert "either."

As the Committee have just passed no fewer than six Clauses without moving Amendments or having Divisions, I hope the Government will look with a kindly eye on this modest Amendment and the next on the Paper—in page 26, line 12, after "worked," to insert: or otherwise in conjunction with coal which is being, or is proposed to be, worked —which slightly extend the powers of the Coal Commission. As the Clause suggests, substances such as ironstone and brick-clay are sometimes worked with coal, and the Clause, as it stands, permits the Commission to acquire such substances when they can be brought to the surface through the same shaft or adits as the coal. These two Amendments will permit the Commission to acquire them, to facilitate combined working, even v/hen they are worked to a different shaft or adit.

10.20 p.m.

Mr. Stanley

I must confess that, until we had the explanation from the hon. Member, both my hon. and gallant Friend the Secretary for Mines and myself were in considerable doubt as to what the Amendment meant, and, therefore, we had not been able to form any opinion on it.

As I understand it now, the intention of the hon. Gentleman is to widen the powers of the Coal Commission—

Mr. Keeling


Mr. Stanley

—and to increase the field over which they can exercise the powers of acquiring associated minerals by agreement. Whereas now it can only be done in cases where the other minerals can be economically worked through the adit which has been used to coal, the Amendment would extend it to any cases where there was working in conjunction with coal. If that is the meaning of the Amendment, and if its effect is merely to increase the powers of the Commission, it is clearly a thing to which we have no objection. Now I know the intention of the Mover, I should like to consider the matter before I accept an Amendment in these words. I certainly am in favour of extending the area over which the Commission can exercise the powers under Clause 28 and, therefore, I would desire to put down appropriate words to secure it.

Mr. Keeling

On that assurance, I beg to ask leave to withdrawn the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.