HC Deb 14 December 1937 vol 330 c958
3. Mr. G. Hall

asked the Secretary for Mines the world output of oil for each of the last 10 years, with the production for each country separately?

Captain Crookshank

As the reply consists of a statistical statement, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

respectively. The price in London includes a tax of 8d. per gallon. So -far as it is possible to make a comparison, the amounts included in the prices in Paris and Berlin on account of taxation are about 11d. and 1s. 6d. per gallon respectively.

Mr. Day

Excluding the amount of taxation in London, is not the price of petrol here much higher than it is in any other country?

Captain Crookshank

That is a little calculation the hon. Gentleman can make when he gets the reply.

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