HC Deb 14 December 1937 vol 330 cc986-8
59. Mr. George Griffiths

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will give a list of the Colonial territories in which a minimum wage has actually been fixed for any occupation?

Mr. Cross

I have been asked to reply. Inquiries on this subject were addressed to Colonial Governments last summer. Some of the replies have still to be received, but according to my present information the present position is as follows: Minimum rates of wages have been prescribed in the Bahamas for unskilled labourers employed in the building trade; in Grenada and St. Vincent for agricultural labourers; in St. Lucia, for agricultural labourers generally, for workers engaged in the sugar industry, and for persons engaged in various occupations in the coaling industry; and in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate, for native labourers. In Malta, an Order prescribing minimum rates of wages for employés in shops will come into force on 1st January, and an Order prescribing minimum rates of wages for employés in the land transport services has been published in draft form in the Government Gazette. In the Straits Settlements and in the Federated and Unfederated Malay States, standard rates of wages are prescribed in certain areas for labourers employed by Government. In Ceylon the question of introducing a minimum wage for agricultural and industrial labourers is now under consideration.

Mr. Griffiths

Is it the case that in some instances the minimum wage is only 1s. a day for men and 8d. for women?

Mr. Cross

I have given a very full answer, and I think that any further questions had better be put down.

Mr. Griffiths

Will the Minister publish the figures also in the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Mr. Cross

I think that, if the hon. Member asks for them, my right hon. Friend will do what he can.

Mr. Lunn

Will these minimum wage rates become operative in accordance with an Ordinance; and when can we expect full particulars from the Secretary of State regarding the matter?

Mr. Cross

I think that, if the hon. Gentleman will read the answer, he will find that his first question is partly covered. With regard to the second part, I think it had better be put down.

Mr. Rhys Davies

Are we to understand that the authorities are about to lay down minimum rates of wages for shop assistants in Malta?

Mr. Cross

An Order prescribing minimum rates of wages will come into force on 1st January next.

Mr. Riley

Is the hon. Gentleman in a position to give, as regards the cases mentioned in his reply, the annual amounts paid?

Mr. Cross

That does not arise out of this question.

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