HC Deb 13 December 1937 vol 330 c802
33. Mr. J. J. Davidson

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether any air-raid precaution schemes have been prepared for the protection of the staff and Members of the House of Commons?

The First Commissioner of Works (Sir Philip Sassoon)

Yes, Sir. A scheme for the protection of Members and staff of both Houses has been worked out in outline. It comprises the allocation of refuge accommodation, together with a plan of gas proofing, and a reserve of sand-bags for additional protective work. The fire-fighting arrangements will also be strengthened. A stock of gas-masks will be kept on the premises, and squads for rescue and clearance and decontamination work will be raised from the industrial staff employed on the site.

Mr. Davidson

Will any steps be taken to organise the Members of the House into fire squads or drill squads with buckets and spades; and will the right hon. Gentleman keep in mind that it is much easier to get a bucket inside this House than a spade?

Sir P. Sassoon

I will look into it.