HC Deb 08 December 1937 vol 330 cc369-71
20. Mr. Ralph Beaumont

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is now in a position to state to what extent the claim of the Chargemen's Association for increased rates of charge-pay can be met by the Admiralty?

22. Captain Plugge

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is now in a position to make any announcement with regard to the extent to which it will be possible to meet the claim of the Chargemen's Association for a revision of the present basis of charge-pay; when the proposed new scales will be brought into effect; and what will be the approximate cost of such action?

23. Lieut.-Colonel Guest

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the precise nature of the award of the Industrial Court upon the claim of the Chargemen's Association for a revision of charge pay for chargemen in Admiralty dockyards; and when this award will be put into effect by his Department?

Mr. Cooper

The rates of charge pay in Admiralty industrial establishments at home have recently been the subject of an award by the Industrial Court. As the details of the award are somewhat involved I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I am also sending a full copy of the award to each of the hon. Gentlemen who have put questions on this subject. It is not possible at this stage to form any reliable estimate of the cost of applying the award, which will take effect from 3rd December.

Captain Plugge

Can my right hon. Friend give an assurance that the Admiralty confer with the Chargemen's Association when arranging to put into effect the award granted by the Industrial Court?

Mr. Cooper

Every effort will be made to facilitate putting into effect the award.

Mr. Maitland

Will the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to send a copy of the award to hon. Members who represent dockyard constituencies?

Mr. Cooper

If they ask for it, yes.

Mr. Maitland

May I ask for a copy?

Following is the statement:

Hitherto chargemen of trades, of minor and titular grades and all chargemen on the permanent list in Admiralty industrial establishments at home have received, in addition to their basic rates of pay and bonus as workmen, charge pay on a scale ranging from 8s. to 12s. a week. In addition, when they have supervised men remunerated on systems of payment by results, they have received an allowance at the rate of 6s., 9s. or 12s. a week, according to the number of such men supervised. In future all chargemen, coming within the scope of the award, whether supervising men paid by results or not, will be eligible to receive in lieu of both these allowances a scale of allowance rising from 15s. to 24s. a week by annual increments of 1s. But chargemen now serving may, if they so desire, receive instead, charge pay on a scale rising from 9s. to 16s. a week by annual increments of IS. and, if they supervise piece workers, continue to draw the allowance for such supervision on the same scale as before. Should they decide to accept this alternative method of payment, their choice will be irrevocable. Chargemen may enter the new scales of pay with the benefit of the number of increments corresponding to the number of years of their service in this grade.