HC Deb 02 December 1937 vol 329 cc2246-7
77. Sir Francis Fremantle

asked the Minister of Health whether, having regard to the fact that Part III of the new model building by-laws relate to works and fittings which usually come within the province of the sanitary inspector, he will arrange for notices of intention to execute such work or instal such fittings to be given to the sanitary inspector instead of to the surveyor, as proposed in Part IV of the same by-laws?

Sir K. Wood

The model building bylaws were prepared with the assistance of an advisory committee on which the various associations of local authorities were represented and I am not at present satisfied that there is any reason for an alteration of the model as suggested. If, however, a local authority desires, when submitting by-laws for confirmation to alter the model in the sense suggested I will certainly consider the suggestion.

Sir F. Fremantle

As it is the sanitary inspectors who will have to deal with this matter under the housing regulations, will the right hon. Gentleman allow them to discuss the matter from the practical point of view with his own officials?

Sir K. Wood

I shall be glad to consider any representations the hon. Member may desire to send me.

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