HC Deb 27 April 1937 vol 323 c161
27. Mr. Lyons

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air the date of the erection of the gasholder at Heston airport and the reasons for its non-illumination?

The Under-Secretary of State for Air (Sir Philip Sassoon)

The gasholder referred to was erected in 1930. Since it was decided, as an exceptional measure, to negotiate for its illumination at the public expense, there has been unavoidable delay on account of technical and other difficulties to which the proposal gave rise, but I am glad to be able to say that they have been settled and that the regular illumination of the gasholder is now in operation.

Mr. Lyons

Can the right hon. Gentleman say what is the cause of the unavoidable delay in utilising the gas-holder which was provided at the public expense, and which is necessary in the general interests?

Sir P. Sassoon

I do not think there has been any difficulty. The hon. Member's great point seems to be that this gasholder should be illuminated.

Mr. Lyons

Cannot the right hon. Gentleman tell me what the difficulties were which have prevented this gasholder being illuminated, having regard to the long time which has elapsed since its erection?

Sir P. Sassoon

I could not go into all the relevant matters at Question Time.

Mr. Thorne

Is the illumination to be on the columns of the girders or on the top of the gasholder? The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that a gasholder moves up and down.

Sir P. Sassoon

It is placed in the most suitable position.