HC Deb 20 April 1937 vol 322 cc1567-8
58. Mr. T. Johnston

asked the hon. and gallant Member for Rye (Sir G. Courthope), as representing the Forestry Commissioners, whether he is aware that nearly six months have elapsed since an application was lodged by the Scottish Forestry Section of the Transport and General Workers Union, with the Assistant Commissioner for Scotland of the Forestry Commission, for an alteration in wages and conditions of forestry workers in Scotland; what is the cause of the delay in dealing with the application; and when the workers' representatives may expect a decision?

Colonel Sir George Courthope (Forestry Commissioner)

The Forestry Commissioners have been making a close inquiry regarding the wages of workers comparable to forest workers in their employment and decisions will be shortly announced.

Mr. Davidson

Can the hon. Gentleman indicate when we can have a definite statement?

Sir G. Courthope

No. I cannot do anything except say that the matter is being considered by a committee under the chairmanship of Mr. Walter Smith, and that the House may be sure that there will be no undue delay.

Mr. Price

Will the commission bear in mind that in many districts the wages of agricultural employés are higher than those paid by the Forestry Commission?

Sir G. Courthope

The Forestry Commission will bear in mind all relevant considerations.