HC Deb 30 November 1936 vol 318 cc832-3
39 . Mr. LIDDALL

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether he will plant the open-air theatre site in the Queen Mary Garden, Regent's Park, from which the public is excluded for 10 months of the year, with crocuses, daffodils, narcissi, hyacinths and tulips so that the appearance of its visible portions may be softened during the spring months; and will he ask the garden designers of the Lincoln firms to help him about the awkward ground slope?


My Noble Friend regrets that he is unable to accept the suggestions made by my hon. Friend.


Does not my hon. Friend wish to see a brighter London?


Yes, Sir; but the result of planting bulbs in the particular spot suggested would be to make a more drab London rather than a brighter London at the time of the Coronation.