HC Deb 25 November 1936 vol 318 cc418-9
47. Vice-Admiral TAYLOR

asked the Minister of Transport whether any decision has yet been come to with regard to improving traffic facilities on the north side of Hyde Park; and whether, in view of the Coronation, this matter can be expedited?


I will send my hon. and gallant Friend a copy of the answer which I gave to a question on this subject last week.

Vice-Admiral TAYLOR

Is the Minister not aware that this matter has been under consideration by the various Departments for a very considerable time, and that it is an urgent matter in view of the congestion of traffic which takes place there, and which will become far worse owing to the Coronation, and will he expedite the matter and have a plan agreed to and carried out?


I hope that my hon. and gallant Friend is not still trying to affix the responsibility, wrongly, to me. I have to get the consent of the responsible authorities, and that I have clone my best to secure, and I am not without hope that in the end I shall secure it.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether he has gone further into the suggestion which was submitted to him some months ago that a roundabout should be formed round the island enclosure, which would greatly relieve this congestion of traffic?


Will my right hon. Friend expedite the matter, so that the work can be completed before the Coronation?