HC Deb 25 November 1936 vol 318 cc420-1
51. Mr. AMMON

(for Mr. SILKIN) asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the serious difficulties and hardship caused to residents of Southwark and Camberwell in getting to and from their work owing to inadequate means of transport; whether his attention has been drawn to a reply made recently by the chairman of the London Passenger Transport Board to a deputation from Southwark and Camberwell to the effect that no action could be taken by the board to deal with the problem; and whether, in the circumstances, he is prepared to take any and, if so, what action in the matter?


I am informed by the chairman of the board that the views expressed by the deputation to which the hon. Member refers are being placed before the Standing Joint Committee set up under the London Passenger Transport Act, 1933.


Are we to understand that the Minister intends to abandon the idea of dealing with this matter?


I have not abandoned it, because I am not responsible, but the board has it in mind.