HC Deb 25 November 1936 vol 318 cc425-6

asked the Home Secretary whether he has yet set up an advisory committee to which he can refer important questions in connection with the operation of the two-shift system for women and young persons; if so, whether he will state the names of the committee; and whether any order has been issued under Section 1 of the Employment of Women and Young Persons Act, 1936, as regards the arrangements to be made for ascertaining the views of the workpeople by a secret ballot?


Yes, Sir. The promised committee was set up last month, and the members are as follow:

Sir Gerald Bellhouse, Chairman.

Mr. Thomas Ashurst (Secretary of the Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association).

Brigadier-General A. C. Baylay, D.S.O. (Chairman of the Birmingham and District Engineering Employers' Association).

Miss F. Hancock (Organiser, Transport and General Workers Union).

Mrs. Stuart Horner, M.B., B.S. (His Majesty's Medical Inspector of Factories).

Mr. W. Kean, J.P. (General Secretary of the National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades).

Mr. H. M. Moulden (General Secretary of the Leicester and Leicestershire Amalgamated Hosiery Union).

Mr. A. J. Palfreyman (Chairman of the National Federation of Hosiery Manufacturers' Associations).

Miss F. I. Taylor (His Majesty's Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories).

The committee was asked to give immediate consideration to the procedure to be adopted for consulting the workers and taking the secret ballots required by the Act, and a draft Order to give effect to their recommendations has now been issued. Copies of the draft Order can be obtained from His Majesty's Stationery Office, and I am sending one to the hon. Member.


Will the Under-Secretary say why no representative of the woollen textile industry was invited?


The names were selected from a list submitted by the General Council of the Trades Union Congress.


Does the hon. Gentleman not consider that, in a committee affecting women almost entirely, the proportion of women on this proposed committee is quite inadequate?