HC Deb 11 November 1936 vol 317 cc872-4

asked the hon. and gallant Member for Barkston Ash, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, how many acres of the property already acquired in the North Tyne Valley have been or will be planted with trees; and how many acres are intended to be left unplanted?

Colonel ROPNER (for the Forestry Commissioners)

Of the 59,208 acres acquired by the Forestry Commissioners in the North Tyne Valley, 28,575 acres were classified at the time of acquisition as plalitable, and the remainder, namely 30,633 acres, as too good or too poor to afforest.

Colonel BROWN

Is the fact that some of this land is unplantable due to copse?

Colonel ROPNER

It is mostly land that is above the 1,000-feet contour line.

71. Colonel BROWN

asked the hon. and gallant Member for Barkston Ash, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, to what use is the unplanted area of the Forestry Commission land to be put?

Colonel ROPNER

The land classified as too good for planting will be used mainly for agricultural purposes and forest workers' holdings; that classified as too poor will be used for sheep grazing.

Colonel BROWN

Is my hon. and gallant Friend aware that the land at the top, with the forest below, is perfectly useless for sheep grazing?

Colonel ROPNER

We are able to let the land above the 1,000-feet contour line at a small rent.

72. Colonel BROWN

asked the hon. and gallant Member for Barkston Ash, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, how many forest holdings will be established per 1,000 acres of planted land in the North Tyne Valley?

Colonel ROPNER

The normal number is five forest workers' holdings per 1,000 acres of plantable land. The Commissioners will be guided by circumstances in deciding the precise number to be established in the whole valley.

Colonel BROWN

In view of the fact that for every 1,000 acres planted two shepherds are discharged from permanent Employment, may I ask what is the advantage of putting five men into part-time employment?

Colonel ROPNER

My hon. and gallant Friend is overlooking the employment given by planting and thinning and nursery work, which is largely over and above that given by the forest holdings.


Does the hon. and gallant Gentelman consider that the total number will afford any appreciable amount of employment to people from the distressed areas?

Colonel ROPNER

The commissioners hope to establish about 70 forest holdings in this area, and of that number about 50 or 60 will be offered to men from Special Areas.

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