HC Deb 28 May 1936 vol 312 cc2166-8
10. Mr. W. ASTOR

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is now in a position to state the names of the members of the committee which is to advise on the methods to be adopted in the collection by means of family budgets of information as to working-class expenditure?


The following have been appointed to be a committee to advise the Minister of Labour as to the methods to be adopted in the collection of information, by means of family budgets, showing the approximate average weekly expenditure of working-class families on the items which should be taken into account in the construction of index numbers, designed to measure the percentage changes, from month to month, in the cost of maintaining a present-day standard of living:

  • Mr. F. W. Leggett, C.B., Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour (Chairman).
  • Mr. J. N. Beckett, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health;
  • Mr. F. J. Blakemore, O.B.E., J.P., Past President of the National Chamber of Trade;
  • Professor A. L. Bowley, Sc.D., F.B.A., Professor of Statistics, University of London;
  • Mr. H. Crow, O.B.E., Principal, Scottish Office;
  • Mrs. W. Y. Darling, wife of Councillor W. Y. Darling, Edinburgh;
  • Mrs. C. S. Ganley, J.P., L.C.C., a member of the Management Committee of the London Co-operative Society;
  • Mr. J. Hallsworth, representing the Trades Union Congress General Council;
  • Dr. J. M. Hamill, O.B.E., M.D., D.Sc., Senior Medical Officer, Ministry of Health;
  • Mr. C. T. Houghton, Assistant Secretary, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries;
  • Mr. W. A. B. Iliff, M.B.E., Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Northern Ireland;
  • Mr. D. Caradog Jones, M.A., Lecturer in Social Statistics, University of Liverpool, and Director of the Social Survey of Merseyside;
  • Mr. Kenelm Kerr, O.B.E., representing the National Confederation of Employers' Organisations;
  • Mr. E. C. Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Director of Statistics, Ministry of Labour.
The secretary to the committee will be Mr. J. G. Cannell, Ministry of Labour, Queen Anne's Chambers, Broadway, Westminster, S.W.I.

Viscountess ASTOR

In view of the fact that this committee is to consider the question of family budgets, is it not a little hard to have on it so few women and so many men? It is scandalous.


I should have thought that the Noble Lady would be very pleased with two ladies.

Viscountess ASTOR

Certainly not.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say where this mass demonstration is to be held?


Are there any representatives of producers on the committee or do the members represent only distributors and consumers


If the hon. Gentleman will study the list he will see that the committee is representative of all points of view.

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