HC Deb 27 May 1936 vol 312 c2017
70. Mr. POTTS

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he will consider authorising the introduction of legislation to initiate pensions at 60 years of age, costs to be debited upon the mining industry from the proceeds of coal, for the purpose of employing younger men?


No, Sir. I do not think that a proposal of the kind indicated, which would apparently involve a statutory imposition upon consumers of coal, would commend itself to Parliament. As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, progress has already been made within the industry in the direction of voluntary pension schemes, and I hope that the example of South Wales will be widely followed.


Having regard to the fact that thousands of people are bound to be out of work owing to the use of machinery and other causes, would it not be better to fix pensions for men of 60 and upwards on their going out of she industry, than to have men of 30 and 40 walking about unemployed?