5. Mr. J. J. DAVIDSONasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether 1802 he will cause inquiry to be made on the question of juvenile crime in the Maryhill division of Glasgow?
§ Sir G. COLLINSMy attention has already been drawn to the observations on the subject of juvenile delinquency contained in the annual report of the Chief Constable of Glasgow for 1935, and I am in communication with the Corporation on the subject.
Mr. DAVIDSONWill the Secretary of State keep in mind the fact that in this division they have paid in juvenile fines two or three times the amount of any other division in Glasgow?
§ Sir G. COLLINSI will bear that point in mind when I receive the report.
§ 8. Mr. LEONARDasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether his attention has been called to the observations, at Dumfries, of His Majesty's inspector of constabulary regarding the increase in juvenile delinquency; and whether he will state the age level at which the increase in delinquency referred to was most pronounced?
§ Sir G. COLLINSYes, Sir. The returns for 1935 show an increase in the total number of young persons found guilty of offences last year as compared with 1934, which is most pronounced in the 14 to 17 age group.