HC Deb 21 May 1936 vol 312 cc1372-3

asked the Under-Secretary of State fu India whether he will take steps to see chat the rights now possessed by the people of the excluded areas in respect to forests and natural resources are protected and that their lands are not alienated in the interests of the British or Indian investors?


Protection such as the hon. Member seeks to secure is one of the objects of the provisions in the Government of India Act. 1935, relating to Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas. I am satisfied that these provisions are adequate for the purpose he has in mind.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the attention of the Secretary of State for India has been drawn to the proceedings of the excluded areas conference held in Lucknow in April last; and whether, in view of the opposition to the policy of His Majesty's Government on this question expressed by responsible members of the Indian legislatures and the leaders of labour, and in the interests of the people of these areas, the Government will now consider a revision of their policy?


I have not seen the proceedings of the conference referred to, but I am aware that the decision of Parliament on the policy connected with excluded and partially excluded areas under the new Government of India Act has been criticised in the Legislative Assembly and elsewhere in India. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative. The Government have no intention of asking Parliament to reconsider its decision embodied in Section 91 of the Act and in the Government of India (Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas) Order, 1936.

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