§ 46. Mr. A. V. ALEXANDERasked the Prime Minister whether he is aware of the concern in the country at the rapidly mounting expenditure on the Royal Navy; and whether, in view of the importance of new factors and problems affecting naval policy and the necessity for obtaining the maximum of efficiency in the most economical manner, he will arrange for the appointment of a committee on similar lines to those of the War Office (Reconstitution) Committee which reported in 1904 to inquire into and report upon naval administration and requirements?
§ The PRIME MINISTERNo, Sir. The reasons for the increased expenditure on the Royal Navy, in common with the other Services, have been fully debated and are well-known. I am not prepared to set up such a committee as the right hon. Gentleman suggests.
§ Mr. ALEXANDERIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that a good many hon. Members on this side of the House are dissatisfied with the answers with regard to the control of a rise in expenditure, especially in regard to profits, and does he not think that some inquiry is an urgent necessity?
§ The PRIME MINISTERThere will be many more debates on the subject, but, even if that be so, I cannot think that such a committee as suggested by the right hon. Gentleman, which would be analogous to the Esher Committee, would be of any help to us in the matter.