HC Deb 13 May 1936 vol 312 c377
57. Captain STRICKLAND

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether his attention has been called to the case of the death while serving in the Air Force of Leading Aircraftman L. A. C. Westlake, who died on 19th February as the result of a crash while engaged in night bombing operations; and whether, as no compensation is payable, he will consider the possibility of insuring such men for the purposes of compensation to the next of kin?


Yes, Sir. I am aware of the case mentioned by my hon. and gallant Friend, with whom I have had correspondence on the subject. Allowances to the widows and children of men whose deaths are due to the conditions of service are granted as a matter of course, but where the deceased was unmarried the grant of an allowance to parents is conditional, under a rule common to the three Services, upon their having been largely dependent upon his assistance. This condition was not fulfilled in the case in question. As regards the last part of the question, I regret that the suggestion made is impracticable.

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