HC Deb 06 May 1936 vol 311 c1691
35. Major OWEN

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is prepared to issue a Welsh version of the Regulations under the Road Traffic Acts?


As Statutes and Statutory Rules generally are not published in Welsh, the question raises an issue more extensive than that for which I am called on to assume responsibility. I did, however, publish the Highway Code in Welsh because of its more vernacular appeal.

Major OWEN

Will the right hon. Gentleman not follow the good example which he has set in translating the Highway Code into Welsh; and is he not aware that only last week a Welshman appeared before the magistrates in Carnarvon charged with an offence under these Regulations, but as he could not understand the language he was, I am glad to say, acquitted; and will he give further consideration to this matter, as there are very large numbers who are not able to understand the Regulations in the English language?


I am very glad to hear that the gentleman in question was acquitted, and I will do my best to see that it does not happen again. In the meantime, but seriously, as I have indicated to my hon. and gallant Friend, it is a far wider matter than the publication in Welsh of these particular orders, as the Statutes themselves on which the Orders are based are not published in Welsh.


Will the right hon. Gentleman call the attention of the President of the Board of Education to the state of Welsh education as disclosed by the hon. Member?