HC Deb 31 March 1936 vol 310 cc1805-6
20. Mr. McGOVERN

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of police officers in Glasgow who have been discharged from the service since January, 1919, up to the latest date, and the names and reasons for discharge in each case?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement giving the desired information, except the names of the officers concerned. Publication of names would prejudice the efforts of men who are trying to make a fresh start in life, and would cause pain to the relatives of those who are now dead.

Following is the statement:

Statement showing numbers of police officers dismissed from the Glasgow Police Force, or required to resign from that force as an alternative to dismissal, between 1st January, 1919, and 28th March, 1936, and the causes which led to their being dismissed or being required to resign as an alternative to dismissal:

Causes. Numbers dismissed. Numbers required to resign as an alternative to dismissal.
Absent without leave 6 11
Late for duty 1
Neglect of duty 4 29
Drunkenness 17 178
Discreditable conduct 24 82
Corrupt practices 1
Totals 52 301

Number of constables on probation discharged from the Glasgow Police Force between 1st January, 1919, and 28th March, 1936, as unlikely to become efficient constables, 40.