§ The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for AIR (Sir Philip Sassoon)It is due to the hon. Member for Central Bradford (Mr. Leach) that I should give the House an explanation, and make him an apology, for something which I said yesterday in relation to the margarine ration. I much regret that in a supplementary reply I spoke under a misapprehension on an important point. Having now had an opportunity of verifying the history of this matter, I find that margarine first appeared as a definite item in the soldier's ration in 1921. This practice has continued under all Governments since that date, including the Labour Governments of 1924 and 1929–31. I should perhaps explain that the standard ration for the Royal Air Force follows that for the Army, for which reason questions relating to the ration have in the past primarily been addressed to the War Office. I think it fair to say, in this connection, that the Labour Government had various ration questions under review during their term of office, and from replies given to questions in the House in 1930 and 1931, addressed to the War Office, it is only possible to infer that they were aware of the composition of the ration and that margarine was a regulated issue, but saw no reason to make arty change. The actual statement I made, however, ascribing the introduction of margarine into the ration to the Labour party when in office, was clearly erroneous, and I should like to tender the hon. Member a sincere apology for my mis-statement.
§ Mr. LEACHWill you permit me, Mr. Speaker, to thank the right hon. Baronet for his exceedingly char and frank statement, and to assure him that I accept it fully and in the same spirit in which he makes it.