HC Deb 19 March 1936 vol 310 c588
21. Mr. MANDER

asked the Minister of Labour whether it is the intention of the Government to ratify the 1929 Convention on the marking of weights on heavy packages; and whether he is aware that it has been ratified by 32 States?

Lieut. - Colonel MUIRHEAD

His Majesty's Government are in sympathy with the principle underlying this Convention, but differences in its application have arisen among some of the States that have ratified it. In order to facilitate ratification by His Majesty's Government the question of the steps to be taken to ensure uniformity in the application of the Convention has been under discussion and is being further examined but no conclusion has yet been reached. It will be realised that the obligations involved in the Convention cannot be made effective in this country without legislation.


Can the hon. and gallant Member say when some decision is likely to be reached in view of the years which have gone by since it was signed?

Lieut.-Colonel MUIRHEAD

I am afraid that I can give the hon. Member no date.