HC Deb 11 March 1936 vol 309 c2108

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether his attention has been called to the recent speech of the officer commanding, Coast of Scotland, in which he expressed the hope that extensions would take place in Rosyth dockyard; whether there is any contemplated development at the dockyard; and whether this will also affect the destroyer base at Port Edgar?

The CIVIL LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. Kenneth Lindsay)

My attention has been called to this speech of which the hon. Member has sent me a copy, but I have at present nothing to add to the answer given to him on 18th December last.


In view of the fact that a certain clearance of the basin of the harbour at Port Edgar has taken place, is there no indication there of some early use being made of this harbour?


I cannot say anything further at the present moment.