HC Deb 11 March 1936 vol 309 cc2119-20

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been drawn to the resolutions of protest against the Government's refusal to make a grant in connection with the Forth road-bridge scheme passed by the Fife County Council, the Lochgelly Town Council, and other public bodies in the County of Fife; and whether, in view of the public demand in Fifeshire for such a scheme, he will reconsider his position and authorise the granting of a substantial sum towards the expenses of the scheme?


I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave on this subject on 19th February, of which I am sending him a copy.


Is it not possible to raise the matter in some way in order that the Ministry can have a discussion with the local representatives, because there is an overwhelming demand for this road-bridge?


I have not refused a discussion.


asked the Minister of Transport the grounds upon which he is not satisfied there is traffic justification for the projected Forth road-bridge; and whether he is prepared to place at the disposal of the Forth road-bridge promotion committee particulars of the census taken by his Department last August, in order that the committee may be assisted in preparing their case proving traffic justification for which he has asked?


I have already informed the promotion committee of the matters upon which it is necessary that I should have further evidence in support of this project, and I am, of course, ready to furnish them with any particulars of the traffic census taken in August last, which they may desire.


Is the Minister aware of the widespread opinion that the answers which he has given up to the present in connection with this matter indicate a desire on the part of the Government to delay a definite decision, and will he do his best to dissipate that idea by carrying out to the utmost the provision of assistance to the promoters in preparing the case for which he has asked?


I can only hope that the hon. Gentleman will assist me to dissipate what is clearly an erroneous impression, and I shall, of course, offer to give the promoters all the assistance in my power in the preparation of their own evidence.


Is there any foundation for the idea that the Minister has been terrorised by the railway companies?