HC Deb 09 March 1936 vol 309 cc1785-6
29. Mr. LOGAN

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that the order issued 6th January, 1936, by the Herring Industry Board, that no person shall kipper or process herring of any class whatsoever between the 14th day of April, 1936, and the 13th day of May, 1936, will affect and deprive thousands of people of their livelihood in Hull and Liverpool; and, in view of these consequences, is he prepared to immediately rescind the order?


I understand that the purpose of the direction of the Herring Industry Board to which the hon. Member refers is to prevent bad kippers from being put on the market, with the possible result of prejudicing the public taste against kippers altogether. I have no power to rescind the direction. I am informed that since it was issued, the direction has been fully discussed by the board with representatives of all interested sections of the industry and that the board have decided that, not- withstanding a certain amount of temporary unemployment which may result, the direction should stand, since it is, in their view, in the best interests of the industry as a whole.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that at least 2,500 to 3,000 people have been thrown out of employment, and that the steamship "Leader" brought kippers to this country last month? Is he prepared to receive a deputation from the industry concerned, in view of the considerable unemployment that is likely to be caused?


I do not admit the estimates given by the hon. Member, but if he has any representations to make I should be glad to hear them.


Is the right hon. Gentleman prepared to receive a deputation from the trade, who tell me that in two ports at least 2,500 will be thrown out of work.


I should like an interview with the hon. Member first.


Does the right hon. Gentleman contemplate any measures to prevent this gap in the supply of home manufactured kippers from being filled up by foreign kippers, thereby beginning a trade in foreign kippers in this country which may have far reaching results among those whose taste is not good?

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