HC Deb 03 March 1936 vol 309 cc1165-6
2. Mr. E. J. WILLIAMS (for Mr. D. L. DAVIES)

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of investigators appointed under the safety in mines committee to investigate and recommend upon the control of roof, giving the areas in which they operate; and whether it is the intention of the department to issue a report upon the work carried out to date?


Twelve investigators into the problems of the control of roof are employed under the direction of eight district committees which cover all the principal coalfields. The researches are co-ordinated by the Chief Mining Engineer to the Safety in Mines Research Board who has a further staff of four investigators under his direct control at Sheffield. In addition, laboratory work on the strength of supports is being carried out for the board at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington. The progress and results of the work are dealt with in the board's annual reports; in a series of simply worded pamphlets issued in the different districts; and, more fully in various technical papers.

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