HC Deb 29 June 1936 vol 314 cc31-2
65. Sir G. FOX

asked the Minister of Labour whether any request for his assistance in effecting a settlement has been made to him by either side in the dispute affecting the Thames Valley motor-omnibus services; whether this strike is recognised by the union or not; and whether his Department can usefully take any steps to help in terminating this labour trouble?

Lieut.-Colonel MUIRHEAD

Representations have reached my Department from the local municipal authorities but not from the parties to the dispute. I understand that the dispute is not recognised by the trade union. Officers of my Department are in touch with the company and the trade union, and my hon. Friend may be assured that, as soon as a desire is shown to discuss the questions at issue through the proper constitutional channels, all possible assistance will be made available.

Brigadier-General BROWN

Is the hon. Gentleman aware of the very great inconvenience and suffering caused to the public in the country districts, and can he not take some steps either to provide them with fresh transport or to stop the present dispute?

Lieut.-Colonel MUIRHEAD

The question of transport is one for the Minister of Transport.


Is this not another case where the management of the company refuse to meet the official delegates of the trade unions?

79. Sir G. FOX

asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the public inconvenience caused by the strike of the Thames Valley motor-omnibus employés; and whether the Traffic Commissioners can give any special licences to other motor-omnibus undertakings to ensure at all events that attention is paid to the comfort and convenience of the public?


The Traffic Commissioners have already granted temporary licences to other operators.

Brigadier-General BROWN

Does my hon. and gallant Friend not think that if the Traffic Commissioners had not abolished the small one-man omnibus services, generally run by ex-service men, in many of the country areas affected, there would not be this trouble?