HC Deb 29 June 1936 vol 314 cc5-6

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that the District Commissioner of Lyalpur has passed orders suspending the decision of the Lyalpur municipality to present an address to Jawarharlal Nehru; whether he was acting under instructions of the local Government or in accordance with general Government policy; and whether he will take action to prevent officials in India using their authority to slight elected representatives and acknowledged leaders of the Indian people?


Yes, Sir. In suspending the resolution the Deputy Commissioner acted in pursuance of his statutory powers under Section 232 of the Punjab Municipal Act and not under instructions from the local Government. There is no justification for the suggestion in the last part of the question. I may add that the order gave the committee the opportunity to justify the resolution within 15 days, but instead of attempting to do so, six out of the total committee of 14 defied the order and presented an address purporting to come from the Municipal Committee.


Does the hon. Gentleman believe that such action is calculated to improve the relationship of this Government and the people of India?


The Deputy Commissioner acted within his powers under the Punjab Municipal Act. The order gave the committee the opportunity to justify the resolution; the committee did not do that.