HC Deb 18 June 1936 vol 313 cc1172-4
65. Mr. MANDER

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will reconsider the question of the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the situation in Palestine in view of the continued disorders, and will make it clear that nothing will deter the British Government from maintaining order resolutely and carrying out consistently and impartially the terms of the mandate, and that licences for the immigration of Jews will not be suspended?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for DOMINION AFFAIRS (Marquess of Hartington)

I have been asked to reply. I would ask the hon. Member to await my right hon. Friend's statement on these matters in the Debate on Palestine to-morrow.


Will the Noble Lord's right hon. Friend make it clear that there will be no surrender to threats of violence on this occasion, at any rate?

69. Mr. CARY

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will obtain a report from the High Commissioner of Palestine as to whether the photostatic copies of the Arab-Jewish treaty of friendship, signed in London on 3rd January, 1919, in circulation in Palestine, are true and exact copies of the treaty in possession of His Majesty's Government

Marquess of HARTINGTON

It is assumed that my hon. Friend refers to an agreement signed by the Emir Feisal (as he then was) and Dr. Weizmann, of which the original has recently been stated by Dr. Weizmann to be in his possession. The High Commissioner for Palestine would not be in a position to confirm the authenticity of any alleged photostatic copies which may be in circulation in Palestine.


Would there be no means of putting a check on what may have a tendency to become an extremely dangerous form of propaganda?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

It is very difficult to check the circulation of forged documents.


asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet any evidence to show whether the disturbances and bloodshed in Palestine are financially aided in any way by contributions from sources outside Pales- tine; and, if so, what is the nature of these sources?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

My right hon. Friend thinks that there is little doubt that before and during the early stages of the disturbances money from outside sources, which are very difficult to trace, was distributed to strikers and others in Palestine, but he has received no definite evidence from the High Commissioner as to the exact sources.


Has the High Commissioner any evidence that part of this money came from Rome?

Marquess of HARTINGTON

I have stated in my answer that we have received no definite evidence as to the exact source.


Apart from definite evidence, has the Noble Lord any reason to believe that part of that money came from Rome?


Did any of it come from Russia?

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