HC Deb 18 June 1936 vol 313 c1163
38. Mr. SEXTON

asked the Minister of Health whether he has obtained recently any expert opinions from members of the medical profession as to whether the time and conditions of quarantine in the case of midwives after attending puerperal fever patients are or are not now sufficient, and as to whether the responsible board ought to reconsider the present regulations with a view to amendment?


No, Sir; any representations on the question of altering the present regulations would be a matter for the Central Midwives' Board. All questions affecting maternal welfare are under constant review by my medical advisers, and I am advised that no evidence has been adduced to show that the rules as to suspension laid down by that board are unsatisfactory in this respect.

Viscountess ASTOR

May I ask the Minister whether there is a woman among his medical advisers?


Yes, Sir.