HC Deb 16 June 1936 vol 313 cc782-3

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can make a statement with regard to the progress of the reorganisation up to the present time of the iron and steel trade and the proposals to be carried out in the near future?


Information as to the progress of reorganisation of the iron and steel industry has been published in the various reports of the Import Duties Advisory Committee which have been laid before Parliament, and further information will be contained in the White Paper shortly to be issued in connection with Clause 6 of the Finance Bill. As announced in the Press from time to time, important schemes of development have taken and are taking place, and further schemes are under active consideration in the industry.


Has not the claim that if adequate protection were given to this industry prices in the home market would rapidly rise proved to be unfounded, and that the price level in the home market is almost static?


The information for which the hon. Member asks is in the White Paper.

9. Mr. WHITE

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is satisfied that the output of the iron and steel industry in this country, together with

Statement showing the total value of United Kingdom trade in merchandise during the year 1935 with (a) British Colonies and Protectorates and (b) Countries mandated to the United Kingdom.
Imports. Exports.
Produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom. Imported merchandise. Total.
£'000. £'000. £'000. £'000.
British Colonies and Protectorates.* 46,050 35,841 1,384 37,225
Countries mandated to the United Kingdom. 3,520 3,198 69 3,267
* Including Togoland and Cameroons (under British mandate) and New Hebrides (British and French condominium), for which separate particulars are not available.
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