HC Deb 09 June 1936 vol 313 c16

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can now state the names of those who have been nominated as members of the Spindles Board and of the advisory committee, under the Cotton Spinning Industry (Redundant Spindles) Bill?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Runciman)

As announced in the Press last week, the chairman of the Spindles Board is Mr. John Taylor, and the other two members are Mr. R. Houghton and Mr. A. H. Lord. I am not yet in a position to state the names of the members of the advisory committee.

27. Mr. H. G. WILLIAMS

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether a decision has yet been reached as to the appointed day upon which the provisions of the Cotton Spinning Industry Bill will be brought into operation; whether he will consider the desirability of postponing the appointed day until he has ascertained what is the present excess of spindleage in the industry; and whether the scheme, as amended by Parliament, is required by a sufficient majority of the industry?


The answer to the first and second parts of the question is in the negative. As regards the third part, I see no reason for a further ballot of the industry on this matter.