HC Deb 29 July 1936 vol 315 cc1502-5
16. Captain PLUGGE

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether it is the intention to apply to any of the industrial staffs in the Royal dockyards the 3s. per week increases in wages recently given to all adult male workers in federated engineering establishments under the terms of an arrangement between the Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation and the engineering joint trades movement; and whether he will give details as to the sections of employés who will benefit?


The Shipbuilding Trade Joint Council for Government Departments agreed at a meeting held last Friday that the standard rate of bonus payable to adult male industrial employés of the Admiralty in home establishments outside the London area should be increased by 3s. a week in three instalments of 1s. from 28th June, 27th September and 27th December, 1936, respectively, and that a similar increase should be made in the bonus of (a) semiskilled and unskilled adult male employés in Admiralty establishments in the London area, and (b) skilled men in the Admiralty Research Laboratory at Teddington to take effect from 29th June, 28th September and 28th December respectively. These increases will affect over 50,000 workpeople and will cost about £400,000 in a full year. As the details are somewhat lengthy and contain a number of figures, I will, with my hon. and gallant Friend's permission, circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Captain PLUGGE

Can my hon. Friend state whether as a result of this increase the wages paid in Admiralty dockyards will no longer compare unfavourably with the rates paid in private yards?


They always have compared favourably. If the hon. and gallant Member will look at the details of the figures he will find a full answer to his question.


Does not the hon. Member think it is a scandalous state of affairs that highly-skilled engineers earning under £3 a week should be offered 1s. a week increase?


I think it is impossible to go into details. If the hon. Member will look at the details he will see that it is clear that at the moment there is a considerble increase.

Present weekly rate of bonus. New rates of bonus.
From Sunday, 28th June, 1936. From Sunday, 27th September, 1936. From Sunday, 27th December, 1936.
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Standard Rate 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0
Rate for 7-day men 16 4 17 6 18 8 19 10
Rate for Yard Craft men and Senior Surgery Assistants and Surgery Assistants. 14 7 15 9 16 11 18 1

3. The bonus of the semi-skilled and unskilled workmen in the London area and of the workmen in the Admiralty


Less than one-farthing an hour. And it is considered a considerable increase. How would the hon. Member like it for an increase?


Are we to understand that we now have a statement of new Government policy by the Civil Lord, that wages in Government service do not have to compare favourably with wages paid outside? I always understood that it was a strong point of the Government that they do.


It is no new policy. All I have said is that they have always compared favourably, but you have a number of special conditions affecting pensions and such matters in Government dockyards which have to be taken into consideration. It is not always a good point to compare the actual wages with those paid outside.

Following are the details:

Bonuses payable to workpeople in Admiralty Establishments at HomeIncreases.

The rates of bonus (Admiralty industrial bonus) payable to adult male workpeople in Admiralty Establishments at Home are to be increased as indicated below.

2. In establishments situated outside the London area the standard rate of bonus and the rate of bonus for yard craftmen will be increased as follows:

Research Laboratory, Teddington, will be increased as below:

Present bonus. New rates of bonus from—
29th June, 1936. 28th September, 1936. 28th December, 1936.
All establishments in the area. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
Yard Craft men and Senior 15 9 16 11 18 1 19 3
Surgery Assistants and Surgery Assistants.
Semi-skilled and unskilled men 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0
Semi-skilled and unskilled men (7-day). 17 6 18 8 19 10 21 0
Admiralty Research Laboratory only.
Skilled men 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0

4. The increases as shown above are to be made also in the Home Yard bonuses received by workmen (including store-housemen and laboratorymen) serving under agreement at His Majesty's Naval Establishments abroad.