HC Deb 28 July 1936 vol 315 cc1294-5

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the Glamorgan County Council through its roads and bridges committee has refused leave of absence to two of its officials who are officers in the Territorial Force to attend camp this year; and whether he will take the matter up with the council?


asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to a recent decision of the Glamorgan County Council roads and bridges committee, whereby two members of the clerical staff, after making all arrangements, have been prevented from going to a Territorial camp; and will he communicate with this authority and urge them to reconsider their decision?


I understand that leave was refused under a rule made by the council in 1925, to the effect that temporary staff should not be entitled to leave until completion of 12 months' service, and this rule has been adhered to although the officers in question offered to waive any pay from the council during their camp leave, or alternatively to surrender their ordinary leave when it becomes due. Active representations were made by the local Territorial Army Association, but without success, and I can, therefore, only express my deep regret that a rule which may be appropriate in relation to ordinary holidays has been applied in this way to the annual training leave of members of the Territorial Army.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that as a result of this unpatriotic action by the Glamorgan County Council the 53rd Division of Engineers have gone into annual training understaffed this year?


Arising out of the answer and the desire of the Minister to waive the rule which stands in the way of such an act as this, will he be able to waive the rule which did the man Salisbury out of his £34?


Does not my right hon. Friend see that the Glamorgan County Council regard service in camp as a holiday?