HC Deb 27 July 1936 vol 315 cc1089-90

The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Miss WILKINSON:

54. To ask the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been called to a statement by the manager of the Jarrow Employment Exchange that unemployed men who join the proposed march of Jarrow men to London will lose their benefits; whether this statement has been made on his authority; and, if so, seeing that men marching through towns outside Jarrow may be more likely to be offered work than those who remain in the town in its present condition, under what regulation is this threat made?


On a point of procedure: Before the hon. Member answers, may I say that this question is an important one and that an answer read by any one other than the Minister of Labour does not provide the Member concerned with the opportunity of asking vital supplementary questions? In regard to Question 59 to the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence that Minister was courteous enough to say that he would not be present, and he asked me to postpone the question. If I had known that the Minister of Labour was not to be present to-day, I should have asked that Question 54 be postponed. Is it possible to postpone it now?


The hon. Lady can postpone it if she wishes.


I desire to postpone it.

The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Mr. H. G. WILLIAMS:

82. To ask the Minister of Transport whether he will furnish an estimate of the number of consumers of electricity at the most recent date for which an estimate can be made; and whether he will state the increase in five years up to that date?


On a point of Order, Sir. You have not called my Question, No. 82.


The hon. Member has already put three questions.


Further to that point of Order. This question was put down for last Thursday and those questions were not automatically carried forward to the Order Paper of Friday. In the circumstances, I should be glad if you would advise Members what they can do with regard to questions put down last Thursday.


I thought the questions had been answered already.


No answers were given to the questions down for Thursday last. They were all automatically wiped off the Order Paper.


They can be put down again.