HC Deb 27 July 1936 vol 315 cc1279-80

Lords Amendment: In page 9, line 7, at the end, insert: (5) If the local authority are satisfied that any person engaged in handicraft at his home is dependent for his livelihood upon the sale on Sunday of articles produced by him in the course of his handicraft to such extent that the prohibition of such sale would involve substantial hardship, they may grant to him a certificate exempting him during such period as may be specified in the certificate from any of the provisions of this Act in respect of the sale of those articles during such hours and subject to such conditions as may be so specified.


I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."


Could we have some explanation of this Sub-section?

1.0 a.m.


During the Committee stage in the House of Lords an Amendment was moved to deal with the question of rural sales, and it was withdrawn on an undertaking to consider the point. The Rural Industries' Association has been consulted by the Home Office, and are of opinion that any general exemption is not required, but they are in favour of some provision to meet some of the cases of hardship such as that quoted by Lord Phillimore in the course of the Debate. The Amendment empowers a local authority to permit sales on Sunday in the case of a person engaged in a handicraft in his home, and who is dependent for his livelihood on Sunday sales, to such an extent that the prohibition of such sales would involve him in substantial hardship. It is considered that this Amendment would meet the points raised.

Subsequent Lords Amendments to page 11, line 31, agreed to.