HC Deb 22 July 1936 vol 315 cc449-50
Lieut.-Commander FLETCHER

(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will give the latest news of the position in Spain, particularly as affecting the lives and property of British subjects, whether any special precautions are being taken as regards the British population at Malaga and whether the two destroyers standing by at Gibraltar are considered sufficient for the evacuation of British subjects from the ports of Spain in case of need?


Owing to the stoppage of communication with most parts of Spain, it is still very difficult to obtain reliable information regarding the position. In amplification of the statement which my right hon. Friend made to the House last Monday, I am able to say that the following British warships have proceeded or are proceeding to Spanish ports with a view to the evacuation of British subjects if necessary:

  • H.M.S. "Shamrock" to Malaga.
  • H.M.S. "Keppel" to Vigo.
  • H.M.S. "Whitshed" to Vigo.
  • H.M.S. "London," H.M.S. "Douglas" and three Destroyers to Barcelona.
  • H.M.S. "Devonshire" to Palma.
  • H.M.S. "Wren" to Corunna.
  • H.M.S. "Amphion" to Teneriffe.
  • H.M.S. "Keith" to Valencia.
  • H.M.S. "Witch" to Ferrol.
  • H.M.S. "Boadicea" to Alicante.
  • H.M.S. "Basilisk" to Almeria.
These are the latest movements of which I have information at present. Twenty-five British subjects, together with two American and two French nationals, were embarked yesterday on His Majesty's Ship "Shamrock" at Malaga, where His

Majesty's Consul has received an assurance from the Governor that order has been restored. British subjects have also been embarked on British ships at Marbella and Algeciras. At all other places from which reports have been received from His Majesty's Consular representatives, British subjects are reported to be safe.

Lieut.-Commander FLETCHER

May I ask whether the Foreign Office are in communication with the Admiralty and the War Office concerning the security of Gibraltar itself?


I am glad to give the hon. and gallant Member that assurance.


Is the Noble Lord not aware that the democratic forces in Spain can be relied upon to maintain order, to protect the lives of British subjects and to wipe out the reactionary forces, which have the support of many hon. Members opposite?