HC Deb 21 July 1936 vol 315 cc239-41

asked the Secretary for Mines the total amount of the administration expenses of district committees on local welfare work in the years 1925, 1930, and 1935?


The administration expenses of the district miners' welfare committees in 1925, 1930 and 1935 amounted to £8,256, £10,839 and £9,949, respectively.

39 and 40. Sir W. JENKINS

asked the Secretary for Mines (1) the total number of staff employed by the Miners' Welfare Fund Central Committee for the administration of the welfare fund; and the total amount of the expenditure of the central

The number of staff employed by the Central Miners' Welfare Committee on 1st April in each of the following years was as follows:
1925. 1927. 1930. 1931. 1935.
Architectural and technical staff for pithead baths. 3 39 44 48
Other Staff 8 14 25 28 32
Total 8 17 64 72 80

committee on the administration of the welfare fund in the years 1925, 1930, and 1935;

(2) the total number of the staff employed by the Miners' Welfare Central Committee for pit-head baths in the years 1927, 1931, and 1935; the total amount of the administrative expenditure of the central committee for pit-head baths in each of the years 1925, 1930, and 1935; the numbers of baths completed in each year; and what number is now in course of construction?


My reply will include the information asked for by the hon. Member in a similar question which he put down, for Written Answer, on 16th July: To ask the Secretary for Mines whether he will state the total number of the staff employed inside and outside by the Miners' Welfare Committee for welfare work and for pit-bead baths, combined; and the total amount of the administrative expenditure of the central committee on welfare work and on pit-head baths combined, in each of the years 1927, 1931, and 1935? As the reply involves a number of figures I will circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Has the attention of the Minister been called to the apprehension that exists among local welfare committees that all the money is being concentrated in this committee in London, instead of in the mining areas?


I have answered the question on the Paper, which asked for statistical information. Any other question would need to be put down.

Following are the figures:

The administration expenses of the Committee were as follow (figures being given for financial years commencing 1st April):
1925.* 1927.* 1930. 1931. 1935.
£ £ £ £ £
Pithead baths—architectural and technical staff and incidental expenses. Nil* 3,104 20,570 22,252 24,252
Other administration expenses 3,430 5,196 8,011 10,387 15,970
Total 3,430 8,300 28,581 32,639 40,222
Notes.—The figures for 1935 are provisional.
Prior to the 1st October, 1931, part of the cost of the secretarial work was borne on the Mines Department Vote.