HC Deb 20 July 1936 vol 315 cc17-8
22. Mr. DALTON

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that the Government of the Free City of Danzig have issued an order to all public employés either to join the Nazi party or to resign their posts; and whether he has taken any action in the matter of this breach of treaty obligations?


I have seen references to such an order in the Press, but I have no official information on the subject. The hon. Member may, however, rest assured that the High Commissioner of the League of Nations will, if he thinks it desirable, draw the attention of the Council to the matter.


Have we not a Consul-General in Danzig, and is it not part of his duty to report to our Ambassador in Warsaw?


There must not be any misunderstanding about this. The channel of communication is through Geneva, and not through His Majesty's Consul-General at Danzig. The High Commissioner, of course, if he wishes to communicate with the rapporteur, communicates with him through Geneva and not through His Majesty's Consul-General.


I appreciate that, but the right hon. Gentleman said that he had no information. My question is whether we have not a Consul-General at Danzig whose duty is to furnish information on happenings there.


Not on political happenings. The channel for official communications about happenings at Danzig is the League's High Commissioner, who does it through the rapporteur and the League.


Is not the rule that all officials should belong to a particular organisation one that trade unions are always trying to enforce in this country?

26. Mr. THORNE

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give the House any information in connection with the agreement that has just been reached between Poland and Germany relative to Danzig?


I have no information to show that the negotiations are complete.


Are they going on?

Mr. EDEN indicated assent.

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