HC Deb 14 July 1936 vol 314 cc1840-1
1. Brigadier - General CLIFTON BROWN

asked the Secretary of State for War what are the recruiting figures for the Territorial Army for June, 1936, and how do they compare with June, 1935; and whether he will give the figures for the quarter April to June, 1936, and how do these figures compare with the same quarter last year?

The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Duff Cooper)

I am glad to be able to announce that during last month 4,393 recruits were finally approved for the Territorial Army as compared with 2,856 taken during June, 1935, while the total figure for the April to June quarter of 1936 is 16,145 as against 10,004 for the corresponding period last year.

Brigadier-General BROWN

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied with these figures?


I am very gratified to think that the country is beginning to realise the situation, and while we can congratulate ourselves upon these figures, they do not give any ground for complacency because at this rate it will take two years to fill up the shortage of recruits which we need at the present time. I hope that everybody, while being encouraged by these figures, will be spurred on to further efforts.


Does this indicate that the right hon. Gentleman's policy of frightening people out of their wits has been successful?


Have any communications been addressed to employers of labour in this country and has any special appeal been made to them to co-operate with the War Office in getting as many recruits as possible for the Territorial Force?


We are doing everything we can in that direction.


Is the right hon. Gentleman using any compulsion, or is this the idea of drawing the attention of employers of labour to the matter, that if men happen to fall foul of their foremen they are to be sent to the Army? Is that the idea?