HC Deb 13 July 1936 vol 314 c1650
26 and 47. Mr. MABANE

asked (1) the Minister of Agriculture whether he will institute a census of distribution of foodstuffs in order to obtain the necessary statistical information without which a serious attack on the problem of distribution cannot be undertaken;

(2) the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the results of the census of distribution recently completed in the United States of America; whether he is aware that large economies in the process of distribution are likely to be possible in the United States of America as a result of the information gained; and whether, in view of the bearing of distributive economy in the problem of malnutrition, he will at once take the necessary steps to institute a census of distribution in this country?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Runciman)

I have been asked to answer these questions. I have not yet seen the results of the United States census of distribution for the year 1933 which, I presume, is the one to which my hon. Friend refers, but I will study them carefully when received. In the meantime I have nothing to add to the previous replies on this subject.


Does the right hon. Gentleman think that a report on the number of ladies' hats of a particular design sold last year would be any indication of what they will be next year?


Does the right hon. Gentleman not think it necessary to examine the underlying factors of this problem of commerce? Is he not aware that while the cost of production generally has gone down costs of distribution have gone up?