HC Deb 09 July 1936 vol 314 c1386
42. Mr. HARDIE

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he takes as a warning of the general health deterioration the fact that 38 per cent. of those offering themselves to the Array service in Scotland are rejected; and what steps he proposes to take to remedy this physical deterioration?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for SCOTLAND (Lieut.-Colonel Colville)

While the figure of 38 per cent. which relates to 1932, cannot be regarded as satisfactory it does not appear when viewed in relation to the figures for previous years to suggest general health deterioration. The hon. Member will be aware that the whole question of the health of the Scottish people was comprehensively reviewed by a committee whose report was published last week. The committee have made important recommendations with a view to the further improvement of the general health and these are at present receiving the earnest consideration of my right hon. Friend.


Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that I took the figures from the report that he has just mentioned, that the general condition of health in Scotland has not improved since 1932, and that the ages at which these men were tested showed that there has been a rise of about 5 per cent.?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman is not aware that the most recent figure, that for 1935, does show an improvement.


No, it does not.