HC Deb 09 July 1936 vol 314 c1397
68. Lieut. - Commander FLETCHER

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many battleships and battle cruisers are at present in every way ready for sea with full active service complements; and how many are refitting, under repair, manned by reduced crews, or performing training services?


Seven battleships and battle cruisers are at present in every way ready for sea with full peace complements, and one is now commissioned for trials after completing large repairs. The other seven are either undergoing modernisation or large repairs, or are refitting, manned by reduced crews, or performing training services, but of these seven, all but three can be made ready for sea, at short notice if required.

Lieut.-Commander FLETCHER

May I ask whether every effort will be made to keep more than 50 per cent, of battleships and battle cruisers ready for active service?


The situation is very closely watched, and we keep these facts in mind.


Do not the figures show how necessary it is to replace them?