HC Deb 02 July 1936 vol 314 cc605-6

asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the fact that he was misled about the rate of German re-armament in the air, he can now make a statement as to the sources of his information; and whether he is satisfied as to the reliability of his present information?

In putting this question, may I say that we are all glad, on personal grounds, to see the right hon. Gentleman in his place? [HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."]


There appears to be some misunderstanding about the statement which I made in the course of the Debate in May of last year. It is not the case that there has been any difference between myself and the Air Ministry as to our earlier estimates of the rate of German re-armament in the air having been falsified by subsequent acceleration. A reference to the statement made in another place by Lord Londonderry on behalf of the Government at the same time as my statement in the House of Commons shows that both of us then explained that the German acceleration had been greater than we and our advisers had anticipated. There is therefore no foundation for any supposition that I disregarded warnings given me by my advisers in 1934 about the rate of acceleration of German air armament. In saying that we had been misled, I certainly intended no reflection upon any Department or individual, and if such an impression has gained credence, I am glad to correct it. In reply to the last part of the question, it is always more difficult to obtain accurate information about a country in which no estimates for defence are published. The Government, however, are satisfied that the information at present in their possession, which is derived from a variety of sources, represents the actual state of affairs as far as can be accurately obtained.


Would the Prime Minister tell the House how it happened that if Lord Londonderry was so well apprised of the rate of German rearmament, he was yet so reluctant to accept the proposals before the League of Nations for the abolition of air bombing?