HC Deb 25 February 1936 vol 309 cc252-3

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the Fife County Council have decided to proceed with a regional water supply scheme and a River Leven purification scheme, in accordance with the findings of the Scottish Advisory Committee on Rivers Pollution Prevention of 1933, and in order to meet an urgent need of water supply for domestic and other purposes; if any direct communications have passed between the county authorities and the Scottish Office regarding the schemes; and. if the extent to which the cost of the schemes will be met from national and local funds has been adjusted?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

I understand that schemes of the nature referred to are at present under consideration, but I am not aware that the county council have definitely decided to proceed with them. The Department of Health have been in communication with the council regarding the schemes and the council have applied for sanction to the creation of stock to meet the cost of the water scheme. With regard to the last part of the question, my right hon. Friend is unable to make a statement.


Is the hon. and gallant Member not aware that the only reason why the authority have not proceeded is because they cannot face the financial burden, and is not this an instance of a case where assistance from the State would really contribute to national development?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

I cannot add to my answer but the hon. Member's remarks will be borne in mind.