HC Deb 17 December 1936 vol 318 cc2611-2
32. Mr. AMMON

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the statement made by the Justices of the Holborn division as to the dangers arising from the consumption of "Red Biddie," and to the report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Kensington as to the harm arising directly due to the consumption of this beverage; and will he take steps to prohibit the sale of "Red Biddie"?


I have made inquiry and am informed that no statement has been made by the Holborn Justices on the subject to which the hon. Member refers. As regards the reference to a report by the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Kensington, I understand that a report on the subject was in fact furnished for the information of the Kensington Justices, but has not been made public. As regards the last part of the question, I have no power to take any such drastic step as the hon. Member suggests, and I am not aware of any such evidence as would justify me in proposing legislation for the purpose.


Will the right hon. Gentleman again look into the sources of his information, and is he not aware that the Holborn Justices circulated this statement to other benches?

Viscountess ASTOR

Will the Home Office and the Government bear in mind that when they reduced the price of beer, they said there would be more beer and less alcohol consumed, and that that is not the case?