HC Deb 08 December 1936 vol 318 cc1821-2

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the total acreage of land in Scotland owned by private individuals for sporting purposes; and whether steps are being taken to meet any national emergency by utilising this land for food production?


The area of deer forests in Scotland is about 3,350,000 acres, of which over 1,000,000 acres are used for the summer grazing of sheep and cattle. No particulars are available as to the area of other land used for sporting purposes, whether exclusively or in conjunction with agricultural or pastoral use. I have no information as to how much of the land used wholly or mainly for sporting purposes is capable of economic production of food at present prices. This land like other land will come under the Government plans for the increase of home food production as and when required.


Are any immediate steps being taken by the right hon. Gentleman's Department to draw the attention of the Government to the necessity of food production for the nation; and will he also draw their attention to the fact that it is the considered opinion of the people of Scotland that this land ought to be used for productive purposes?


Yes, Sir, I have certainly done that, and I hope for the support of the hon. Member in the agricultural Measures which we are bringing before the House for that purpose.

Viscountess ASTOR

Would the Minister ask the hon. Member who put that question, whether he would be willing to go to Scotland and live on a bit of this land which he says is fit for cultivation?


On a point of Order. Is it correct for hon. and Noble Members—I use the word in a titular sense only—to address questions to another Member of the House?


I have not heard such a question.