HC Deb 07 December 1936 vol 318 cc1627-8
36. Sir P. HARRIS

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, as representing the First Com- missioner of Works, what gifts have been made to the Royal Parks during the past year?

Mr. R. S. HUDSON (for the First Commissioner of Works)

I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of gifts to the Royal Parks during the past year. It always gives my Noble Friend great pleasure to receive such gifts, and he is very grateful for this opportunity of expressing his thanks to the donors.

Following is the list:

Messrs. R. H. Bath, Limited.—Daffodil bulbs for the grounds of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.

Mr. L. H. Bentall, J.P.—Gift of money for the provision of a new gate and two grilles in the wall of Hampton Court Park.

British Nursery Industry (through the Flowers, Plants and Vegetable Publicity Committee).—Collection of herbaceous plants for Queen Mary's Gardens, Regent's Park.

Mr. S. Burgess.—Gift of roses.

Mr. A. Ezra.—Various waterfowl.

Mr. Sigismund Goetze.—Pedestal and pool for "Boy with Frog" fountain; rockery stone; and collection of iris and eremuri for Queen Mary's Gardens.

Mr. A. J. Healey.—Gift of money for the improvement of the entrance to Regent's Park on the Albert Road opposite to St. Mark's Square.

Mr. J. C. Laidlay.—Various waterfowl.

Lord Revelstoke.—Various waterfowl.

Sir A. M. Samuel,M.P.—Seventeenth century lead water tank placed in the Orangery Garden, Kensington Gardens.

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